Booking API

The Aurinko Booking API automates meeting scheduling, enabling developers to access calendar availability and create booking profiles easily.

Aurinko Booking API

The Booking API is a powerful tool designed to facilitate the automated scheduling of meetings for one calendar. It enables developers to gather availability information from a calendar and find time slots when the calendar owner is available.

The API is built on top of the Aurinko Account concept. Please see Account OAuth Flow section to understand how to add an account and get access to its calendars.

Booking profile

At the heart of the Booking API lies a booking/availability profile. This profile consists of a set of properties that describe calendar availability and the types of meetings that can be booked. It includes the following information:

  1. Work hours

  2. Meeting duration

  3. Meeting subject

  4. Meeting description

  5. Meeting teleconference link

  6. Meeting location

  7. Profile scheduler link

  8. Profile active period

  9. And more...

To create a new booking profile POST json payload to the /book/profiles endpoint:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
        "id": 1,
        "name": "aurinkoDemo",
        "durationMinutes": 30,
        "availabilityStep": 15,
        "timeAvailableFor": "30D",
        "subject": "Aurinko Demo",
        "description": "A conference call with Aurinko.",
        "location": "Teleconference",
        "workHours": {
            "timezone": "Americas/New\_York",
            "daySchedules": [
                    "dayOfWeek": "monday",
                    "workingIntervals": [{"start": "14:15:22Z","end": "14:15:22Z"},...]
        "context": "string",
        "startConference": true

You can insert variables like {{name}}, {{comments}} in the meeting description text. They will be passed to a scheduling widget to be filled by an end user booking a meeting (see additionalFields of the availability endpoint below).

Use PATCH request to update existing profiles:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>' \
    -X PATCH{id} \
    -d '{
        "name": "aurinkoDemo",
        "durationMinutes": 30,
        "availabilityStep": 15,
        "timeAvailableFor": "30D",
        "subject": "Aurinko Demo",
        "description": "My new event description",
        "location": "Google Hangout",
        "context": "string",
        "startConference": true


Once a booking profile is created, the Booking API can be used to query a user's availability for the types of meetings defined in the profile and within the specified work hours. ) can be used to query a user's availability for the types of meetings defined in the profile and within the specified work hours.

curl -X GET{aurinkoClientId}/{profileName}/meeting

This endpoint produces information that can be used to build a public calendar page like Aurinko's Calendar Page.

Please note, that this endpoint does not require any authentication.

    "items": [
            "start": "2024-01-27T14:00:00Z",
            "end": "2024-01-27T14:45:00Z"
    "startTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
    "durationMinutes": 45,
    "availabilityStep": 15,
    "subject": "Aurinko Demo",
    "additionalFields": [
            "default": null


The additionalFields array contains the {{variables}} that you specified in the meeting description text. If you're building your own scheduling widget it needs to ask the end user for those inputs. Booking a meeting will require the fields that don't specify defaults.

Book a meeting by sending json payload to the /book/{auringoClientId}/{profileName}/meeting endpoint:

curl -X POST {aurinkoClientId}/{profileName}/meeting \
    -d '{
    "time": {
        "start": "2024-01-27T14:00:00Z",
        "end": "2024-01-27T14:45:00Z"
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "substitutionData": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"

A new event will be created on the calendar associated with the booking profile and the person specified by the email and name fields will be invited to the event.

Last updated